Web Scavenger Hunt Lesson Plan Worksheet
Blog or Wiki Address:
Subject Matter: Science
Grade Level: 2
Lesson Objective: Complete the sentence below.
Learners will
demonstrate knowledge of/understanding of/ability to: Obtain information to
identify where water is found on Earth and that it can be solid or liquid.
Subject Matter Content Standard:
ESS2.C: The Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface
is found in the ocean, rivers, lakes, and ponds. Water exists as solid ice and
in liquid form. (2-ESS2-3)
Technology Standard: NETS for Students:
5. Technology research tools Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and
collect information from a variety of sources.
Students use technology tools to process data and
report results.
Website Addresses
Used as Resources:
Student Research
Essential Question:
See discussion of essential questions in week seven documents and
1. Where can you find water on Earth?
Subsidiary Questions (6-10):
2. What happens when you boil water?
3. What happens when you freeze water?
4. What forms can water have?
5. How can you change water into ice or water into gas?
6. What types of bodies of water can you find on earth?
7. What are the different landforms you can find on earth?
We will brainstorm and then use the Smart Board technology to
use the website: www.sciencekids.co.nz/gamesactivities/gases.html
to get them interested in asking questions with interactive lessons. What I
like about this website is that as the students are doing something to the
water the program is asking them a question as to what they think will happen
to the water when heat or cold is added to it. We will work together as a class
to answer the questions but first I will let students give ideas on what they
think will happen. They are applying what they know in order for them to
analyze what they think will happen. I will then have each students write in
their science journals what they predict will happen and answer their questions,
as they are analyzing the experiment. After they evaluate their findings from
what they learned, I will be able to assess their thinking process through their
written answers.
Students will then use the Brainpop Jr. website, where they
are able to answer interactive questions on what happens to water when it’s
boiled or frozen.
There are also tests that they will take after they are done
with their research and interactive learning, and they will complete the quiz
at the end of the lesson in order for me to assess their understanding of the
On the second section of the standards that we will cover
will be the different types of body of water that we can see on Earth. We will
brainstorm to see student’s previous knowledge. We will go over both landforms
and bodies of water since many of the characteristics of bodies of water have
distinctive lands surrounding it. We will begin going over Scholastic booklets
that are specifically made with vocabulary words that relate to landforms and
bodies of water. I will have the class follow me with the use of the Smart
Board and the class will follow along with their own physical copy. I will model
the landform/bodies of water definitions using personal experiences that that
students could relate to. For the activity I will have students in groups of 4
where they will research on computers and write down facts about one body of
water or landform. I will assign each group a body of water or a landform and
they will have to create a visual with clay or a poster board that they will
take turns presenting to the class. They will mold a mountain, island, lake,
river, etc. For example for those researching a river, they will have the
direct website: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/geography/rivers/
and I will have them click on major rivers to provide example of 1 major river
in the U.S. in their presentation but I will be going over each step with the
students. The students will write the information on paper and will go over
their findings with their group, to promote collaboration. They will then begin
designing their clay presentation model and when they are done they will give a
presentation with the use of an index card containing their facts.
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